General overhaul

2 years after the steam engine was new built, we’re doing a overhaul of the bowl. That means, the most parts will bee new manufactured. Liberty Belle was originally build for a crew of 7 persons. Because the boat is in Switzerland certified for only 5 persons, we will divide the area differently. It’s not easy, on one hand the place should be optimally used, on the other hand the appearance of the boat should no be clouded. Now, we hope we have found the optimum, thanks to our CAD System…

But before again can be developed, both all technology and all installations had to be removed.

2609 18-11-2006 DLB Kessel, Maschine und Schaufelräder Ausbau

Removing the boiler

2611 18-11-2006 DLB Kessel, Maschine und Schaufelräder Ausbau

Removing the steam engine

2613 18-11-2006 DLB Kessel, Maschine und Schaufelräder Ausbau

The removed parts:

  • Paddle wheels
  • Boiler
  • Chimney
  • Steam engine
  • Water pump
  • Hotwell
2776 17-01-2007 DLB, Zerlegung für grossen Umbau
2766 16-01-2007 DLB, Zerlegung für grossen Umbau, Beat
2779 17-01-2007 DLB, Zerlegung für grossen Umbau

Liberty Belle without name!

An almost new ship develops

At the 26.Januar 2007 the Liberty Belle, was transferred to the Hasler shipyard Rotzloch. There now an almost new bowl adapted after our plans develops

3014 20-02-2007 DLB bei Hasler Rotzloch, Generalumbau
3018 20-02-2007 DLB bei Hasler Rotzloch, Generalumbau

Liberty Belle without deck

3024 20-02-2007 DLB bei Hasler Rotzloch, Generalumbau, ausgebaute Radkasten

The removed Paddle-Houses

3011 10-02-2007 Martha mit neuen, gelaserten Radausschnitt-Bleche

Martha with one of the new removable Paddle-Houses glare