Steam boat meeting at Le Landeron

Steam boat meeting at Le Landeron from 4th till  6th August 2006. It was the first international steam boat meeting at Le Landeron on the Lake of Bienne. 9 steam boats participated the meeting. Because it was very bad weather, Liberty Belle was present only on Sunday.

0001 06-08-2006 DLB ausgestellt da Regen, Le Landeron 0003 06-08-2006 DB Old Mac Hermann und Vedeggio, Le Landeron

Liberty Belle, in the rain!

SL Old Mac Hermann and SL Vedeggio

0020 06-08-2006 DB Minette, Le Landeron 0027 06-08-2006 DB Campagnora, Le Landeron

SL Minette

SL Campagnora

0029 06-08-2006 DB Isle of Jura, Le Landeron 0030 06-08-2006 DB Lagavulin, Le Landeron

SL Isle of Jura

SL Lagavulin (GER)

0039 06-08-2006 DLB Einwassern, Le Landeron 0048 06-08-2006 DLB Publikumsfahrten, Le Landeron

...and Liberty Belle is steaming up

Some public travels in the afternoon

0050 06-08-2006 DLB Publikumsfahrten, Le Landeron 0066 06-08-2006 DLB Publikumsfahrten vor dem Regen, Le Landeron

The travels are obviously enjoyed

Meeting with Ville d’Yverdon

0052 06-08-2006 DLB Publikumsfahrten, DB Old Mac Hermann, Le Landeron 0063 06-08-2006 DLB Publikumsfahrten vor dem Regen, Le Landeron

Meeting with SL Old Mac Hermann

Art exhibition in the Zihl-Canal

0061 06-08-2006 DB Seraphine und DLB, Le Landeron

Martha brings the guests of the Liberty Belle reliably into the port.