From 23th to 25th Juni 2006 we steamed on the Lago di Lugano. Since at this time the Gotthard route was interrupted by a rockslide at Gurtnellen, nothing else remained for us as a drive over six passes with our paddle steamer! On the wy there we selected the route Bruenig - Grimsel - Nufenen. For the way back we drove the route Gotthard - Susten - Bruenig. On the Lago di Lugano we meet the steamboat Campagnora, which whole June in Morcote was stationed. In connection of the one 1st anniversarry of the Nautico-Club-Morcote as well as the event that our paddle steamer is on the Lake of Lugano, the Swiss television filmed Liberty Belle in the bay of Lugano.

We’ve crossed tree passes on the  22.6.2006
(Bruenig - Grimsel - Nufenen)

0001 22-06-2006 DLB Bruenigpass, oberhalb Lungern

1st pass: Bruenig

0005 25-06-2006 DLB Grimselpass, alte Strasse bei Handeck

...on the old route!

0015 25-06-2006 DLB Grimselpass, Blick Richt Rhonegletscher

Liberty Belle in front of glacier Rhone

0034 22-06-2006 DLB Nufernenpass unterhalb Al Acqua

On the south side of Nufene

0003 25-06-2006 DLB Grimselpass

2nd pass: Grimsel

0011 25-06-2006 DLB Grimselpass, Totensee mit Eisschollen

At Grimsel Hospitz

0021 25-06-2006 DLB Nufenenpass

3rd pass: Nufenen

0036 22-06-2006 Figino, Lago di Lugano

The destination Lago di Lugano

Excursion from Muzzano (Agno) via Ponte Tresa to Morcote

0111 23-06-2006 DLB Agno-Caslano, Lago di Lugano
0102 23-06-2006 DLB Einwassern in Muzzano-Agno, Lago di Lugano

Liberty Belle at Muzzano (Agno)

0117 23-06-2006 DLB Caslano-Ponte Tresa, Lago di Lugano 0121 23-06-2006 DLB Ponte Tresa, Lago di Lugano

Atb the channel to Ponte Tresa

Border at Ponte Tresa

0132 23-06-2006 DLB Rest Cristina, Kanal von Ponte Tresa, Lago di Lugano 0138 23-06-2006 DLB Baden vor Morcote, Lago di Lugano

Lunch at a Grotto

Swimming in front of Morcote

0141 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, Lago di Lugano 0152 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, Lago di Lugano

Steaming to Morcote

Liberty Belle in the south!

0160 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, DB Campagnora, Lago di Lugano

Steamboat Campagnora

0158 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, Martha, Lago di Lugano
0165 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, Primo Zanini und Martha, Lago di Lugano 0173 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, DB Campagnora, Lago di Lugano

Primo Zanini, the former owner of
Steamboat Campagnora

Steamboat Campagnora

0167 23-06-2006 DLB Morcote, Lago di Lugano

Buildings for dreaming...

Day trip from Morcote to Gandria

0208 24-06-2006 DLB Melide, Lago di Lugano

The dam of Melide

0230 24-06-2006 DLB Gandria, Lago di Lugano


0240 24-06-2006 DLB Lugano, Lago di Lugano

Lugano with Mt.Pre

0221 24-06-2006 DLB Caprino, Beat am Baden, Lago di Lugano

Swimming at Caprino

0238 24-06-2006 DLB Lugano, Filmequippe SF, Lago di Lugano

The Swiss television takes photographs of Liberty Belle!

0247 24-06-2006 DLB Lugano, MS Ceresio, Lago di Lugano

Photostop from MS Ceresio!

Day tripp from Morcote via Riva San Vitale to Muzzano (Agno)

0306 25-06-2006 DLB Riva San Vitale, Lago di Lugano

Riva San Vitale

0319 25-06-2006 DLB Muzzano-Agno, Algenvernichter, Lago di Lugano


0315 25-06-2006 DLB Brusino, Martha, Lago di Lugano


0321 25-06-2006 DLB Muzzano-Agno, Auswassern, Lago di Lugano

The end in the south!

We’ve crossed tree passes on the  25.6.2006
(Gotthard - Susten - Brünig)

0330 25-06-2006 DLB Gotthardpass


0340 25-06-2006 DLB Sustenpass


0335 25-06-2006 DLB Gotthardpass

...on the old Route

0347 25-06-2006 DLB Sustenpass

Liberty Belle beside snow walls

Bruenig at darkness